El sedentarismo y la motivación a la práctica deportiva. Revisión sistemática
Dr.Emerson Roberto Yépez Herrera1, Dr. Danilo Charchabal Perez2, Dr. Henry Geovanny Pillajo Quisilema3, Dr. Deysi Elizabeth Apolo Egüez4,Dr. Diana Marcela Romero Peña5
1Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE).
2Universidad de Guayaquil.
*Corresponding author
Dr. Emerson Roberto Yépez Herrera, University of the Armed Forces (ESPE).

Figure 1: Flowchart of search methodology according to PRISMA recommendation.
Table 1: General description of the articles included in the review.

Table 2: Critical evaluation of the literature according to criteria for health studies(1,8).

Table 3: Study quality assessment.

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