Peer Review Process

At Journal of Scientific & Technical Research in Biomedicine (JSTRB), we uphold rigorous standards of peer review to ensure the integrity and excellence of published research. All manuscripts submitted to our journal must be exclusive to Journal of Scientific & Technical Research in Biomedicine (JSTRB) and not previously published, accepted for publication, or under consideration elsewhere. Following acceptance, manuscripts cannot be published in any form without prior permission from the publisher.

Upon submission, each manuscript receives a unique identification code and undergoes initial evaluation by our editors to assess its suitability for publication. Manuscripts lacking originality, scientific rigor, or a significant message are returned to authors before undergoing formal peer review.

Manuscripts deemed suitable for publication undergo double-blind peer review, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other. Expert reviewers meticulously assess the manuscript's quality, validity, and contribution to the field. Authors receive reviewer comments for potential revisions, and they are guided to submit revised manuscripts along with detailed responses to reviewer comments within the specified timeframe.

We are committed to expediting the publication process while maintaining the highest standards of quality. Our goal is to provide authors with timely feedback and facilitate a transparent and constructive peer review experience.

Open Access

Our journal operates on the principle of open access, ensuring that our content is readily available to readers worldwide without any barriers. Every article we distribute grants immediate, boundary-free access to its full content, without imposing any charges on readers or their institutions. Readers are empowered with the freedom to read, circulate, copy, print, download, search, or link to the full texts of all articles in Journal of Scientific & Technical Research in Biomedicine (JSTRB), enabling seamless access to valuable research and insights.

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